While the "creation that is out there" is beautiful and vital, it is very important to realize that the creation in our cities is also well-cared for. Changing attitudes is not easy, though. Humans have the tendency to put themselves first, doing whatever seems fine in the moment (i.e., throwing that wrapper or cigarette butt on the ground rather than taking the time to find a trash can). It is frustrating to me when people don't have the desire to cherish the creation around them. May humans realize before it's too late that all of creation needs to be cared for, including humans.

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Yes! And this is the conversation that I want to have - that creation surrounds me when I’m in my kitchen, when I’m walking my city streets, when I’m driving through the country, and when I’m standing on a mountaintop.

There’s some nuance; is it the presence of matter that makes it creation, therefore everything is creation? Or is there a point at which we’ve warped creation so badly that it should be dismissed? I tend to say no, but I’ve heard some convincing arguments.

But recognizing all of what surrounds us as creation is a necessary first step in seeking to care for it well.

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